Inferior Press

Just your run of the mill ranting and quirky observations. Nothing special or atypical here. (DISCLAIMER: My early posts (circa 2006) are not for the easily offended. I had a propensity to write contextually brash and use coarse vernacular associated with the disenfranchised and bitter (read: failed rock star). I plan to continue to write off collar posts here but I will attempt to amplify witticism by mitigating the reliance upon "shock value" gained from profanity.)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Witty title goes here....

Well, ok. I was pretty dead on when I wrote in the first post that I would probably abandon this blog within two months. Pretty much the next day. But, it's May and I'm back. Not that you give a shit.

So, on with it now. A lot has happened since January. I'm still sober which is beyond me. I did start growing a beard again and have actually kept myself from scraping a cold razor across my face, also known as "caving and shaving". I kinda decided since it's suggested that I stay single during my first year of sobriety, I could use a little deterrent against the female species in an effort to stay single.

I'm pretty sure my theory of deterrent is correct because when I first shaved the goatee off into a big 70's mustache and stubble, I was in a chat room, minding my own fuckin' business when this dame messaged me and typed: "would you like to chat?" "sure", I typed. A little small talk out of the way and she types, "Hey, do you have a pic?" "sure", I replied. I sent a pic that was taken that very day and as soon as she accepted it, she stopped talking to me.

Blam! If that isn't evidence I don't know what is. A younger me would have felt quite rejected, but it was quite comforting to know that my thesis was actually starting to gain some merit. I also thought it was amusing that she was such a flaky superficial, especially since I was in a Christian chat room....

Another personality quantum leap I've made recently was this: I'm in the process of growing out my hair long. Since the day I got out of the Army on St. Patrick's Day last year, anyway. Well, I let the bangs go for a while and kept getting the sides and back tapered until December 05. Just the fact that I didn't buzz it off into a mohawk either means that I'm less impulsive or I'm maturing. I know I wasn't keeping my hair respectable looking in hopes of finding a job, since I was trying to start my own business.

Anyway, I got my last hair cut in December. I started working and this dame at work kept telling me I should cut my hair. A younger me would have done it in a heartbeat. I can attribute my endurance to keep growing to mostly laziness. It's just too much of a hassle to get out of the house just to go wait in line to get a hair cut that I don't really want.

I figure I was clean cut for 5 years in the Army, why can't I look like shit for awhile?

I doubt very much that it's a coincidence that Social Distortion's "Story of my life" is playing right at this exact moment. I'm also reading Hunter S. Thompson's "Rum Diary" which is pretty good. (Not exactly at this moment, I'm not that gifted).

This week, instead of a rock star, porn star, artist, or business tycoon, my newest goal is to be a CSI. Again, next week I'll probably want to be a pirate when I grow up. I'm 26 years old and going on 7 pretty soon.

Maybe by 30 I'll wake up and get a clue. Somehow I doubt it though....


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