Inferior Press

Just your run of the mill ranting and quirky observations. Nothing special or atypical here. (DISCLAIMER: My early posts (circa 2006) are not for the easily offended. I had a propensity to write contextually brash and use coarse vernacular associated with the disenfranchised and bitter (read: failed rock star). I plan to continue to write off collar posts here but I will attempt to amplify witticism by mitigating the reliance upon "shock value" gained from profanity.)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Ah, when will this madness stop? I keep saying I'll change but I only make modicum amounts of progress before I revert back to my old snake like ways. I'm thinking about just getting off the rock and roll express all together as of late. The more I try to hold on to my old ideals the more it conflicts with me. It was an amazing ride this last decade, but Keith Richards I am not.

I do beleive I'll chop the "awkward phase/semi respectable rock and roll length hair" tommorrow and live in the society I used to backlash as carbon copy denziens lived carbon copy existences. Fucking the world, fucking society, fucking the system is a sure fire way to get yourself fucked as I have proven to myself over and over again. I never crumbled the fascist, tyranical, corporate, societal or governmental principles and organizations I had my disagreeances with in my misled, uninformed and illogical youth. Hell, I didn't even make a dent.

That's why I hated the end of SLC Punk. Because slowly but surely I knew that eventually I would have to put the banner down and grow up. I think it's time now. I'm 26 years old, and I don't even like "punk rock" or even most "rock" these days.

Here comes the midlife crisis. I'm now officially a dinosaur and I pass the torch on to whomever is stupid enough to accept it.


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