Deterence Theory Elevated
That's all I can say about the last two weeks of madness. I tried to post from work since my Internet access was temporarilly out of commission while I moved, and with cookies disabled, the slow ass connection and the mainframe being behind lock and key, it proved futile.
I did try to break into the control room through both social engineering and brute force but that just raised a few eyebrows and worked to no avail.
I am officially rasing the "Deterrence Theory" to "Law of Deterrence". I haven't gotten any "winks" in weeks, and the one female I did meet hasn't called me back since then.
Also this is my new rating at Hot or not:

Fuck being a modern man or metro-sexual. I want to be a cave man. And after being cooped up the last two days at work with all those women and hearing too many "female issue" topics, I need to go eat a raw steak and lift some weights to get my testosterone level back up to normal.
So are you back online now mother fucker? I haven't seen you post in a LONG fucking time. I had to give the reason you haven't posted (see my blog for details). Hit me up for a chat or call me.
And yes, unless I do something stupid I will be back here consistently like fat on a fat, ok a fat chick on a drumstick.
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