Inferior Press

Just your run of the mill ranting and quirky observations. Nothing special or atypical here. (DISCLAIMER: My early posts (circa 2006) are not for the easily offended. I had a propensity to write contextually brash and use coarse vernacular associated with the disenfranchised and bitter (read: failed rock star). I plan to continue to write off collar posts here but I will attempt to amplify witticism by mitigating the reliance upon "shock value" gained from profanity.)

Monday, May 22, 2006


I never reall put much stock in Astrology or Zodiac signs, but after reading a description about Aries which is what my sign is, it explains a lot about my personality.

Thinking more about it, my sister who is 2 years younger has a birthday a week after mine, making her a Taurus, and her personality seems to fit that sign. Almost an Aries but not quite.

Anyway, the read was pretty interesting. I must give credit where credit is due. And that's actually from two sources. The first source is a from an article written by Carolyn Joyce citing Debbi Kempton-Smith in her book Secrets From a Stargazer's Notebook.

Here's a few excerpts of what I thought was interesting and could relate to. Again, all these are taken directly from the aformentioned sources and are quoted. My comments appear in the approriate color red, which is my "power color", even though it's not my favorite color.

"Mars is the "red planet" who rules Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is the leader, the first sign around the tropical zodiac wheel. It is a cardinal, active, initiating sign; and its element is fire, bringing enthusiasm, chi, the spark of life. "Me first" is an Aries mantra.." (Carolyn Joyce) This makes perfect sense to me. I always want to be in charge and the first in line. It also explains why I'm fascinated by fire.

Followed up by:

" Mars likes war. Mars makes enthusiasm too, though it'll settle for trouble.
Mars is your energy, what you put your energy into, your drive and your
courage. Mars stands for lust and drive and passion. Mars burns for things. " ( Debbi Kempton-Smith) Strangely enough, when I was in combat, I enjoyed it. Few people did. If I had to hazard a guess, the others that did were probably Aries as well. I wish I'd known this information then, and I would have asked them to see if there was a connection. Again, a reference to burning. Another reason I think I would be a good fireman, I respect fire.

"Ares was loathed by all the other gods, including his own parents, Zeus and Hera. He was loved only by his sister, Eris (Discord), her son, Strife, and oddly enough by the beautiful Aphrodite (Venus). Ares fathered many children including Phobos (Panic), Deimos (Fear), and Tereus (Terror). I can relate to that. Always the black sheep, so to speak. Also note the names of his kin. Pure dysfunction there.

" Ares was the incarnation of blood lust. He is pure testosterone, known for war, violence, and unrestrained sexual passion. I've always had a short fuse, attributed to being bullied as a kid and having Irish heritage, initially. The mystery is unraveling.

" Ares, when hurt or wounded himself, turned into a cry-baby. For all of his cold-hearted love of killing, he could dish it out better than he could take it." This is where it got a bit strange. For my dark side, there is also my good side that try as may over the course of the past two decades I could not vanquish. This is probably my only saving grace that keeps me some what balanced and humane. I'm not a bad ass 100% of the time. To be honest, even though the desire is there, I think it is mostly an act. Something else to ask other Aries sometime.


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