Susceptible to the female persuasion
I'm damn proud of myself as of late. The old me would instantly do just about anything a chick suggested if I thought it would get me some tail. Not now, my friends. Now the only stupid advice I take is my own.
Following is an example of THEN:
HER: "I think you should cut your hair on a whim this instant even though you've been growing it out for 14 months...."
ME: "Ok, do you have any scissors?"
And NOW: (replete with translation)
HER: "I think you should cut your hair on a whim this instant even though you've been growing it out for 14 months...." TRANSLATION: "I know we're not dating, but I still want to change you. Actually, I want to test you. If you cut your hair I will never date you because you are such a pushover. I need a strong man. One to protect me. It will be interesting to see if I have power over you or not. If you don't cut your hair I'll just want you more, blah....blah....blah....blah...."
ME: Stock answer number one: "Only if you cut yours first"
Stock answer number two: "Am I gonna get some pussy out of this?"
Stock answer number three: "What? Are you completely nuts?"
Stock answer number four: "Fuck NO!"
And gentlemen, if you're old ball and chain complains about you growing a beard (Ah, see I mentioned it again) tell the fat crusty bitch that she can grow her own if it suits her.
Then again, maybe you shouldn't take dating advice from a single guy.
now that's fucking funny! I think I should start with the "beard test". I need to get my ass down to the drug store mother fucker
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