Inferior Press

Just your run of the mill ranting and quirky observations. Nothing special or atypical here. (DISCLAIMER: My early posts (circa 2006) are not for the easily offended. I had a propensity to write contextually brash and use coarse vernacular associated with the disenfranchised and bitter (read: failed rock star). I plan to continue to write off collar posts here but I will attempt to amplify witticism by mitigating the reliance upon "shock value" gained from profanity.)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Created a Monster

Ok so now I've done it. I've created a monster. In an effort to remain single, as you may have read I was conducting my deterrent theory, a.k.a, growing a beard.

So recently I changed my picture on profile at this dating site to the one on the profile here.

I didn't get nearly as many responses as with short hair, which means so far my theory is beginning to be proved as fact and law.

However, I did recieve some responses so far and must say I'm interested. Which is my dilema.
How long can I stay single? I do have the full intention of, if meeting any women, it be just as friends with no expectations whatsoever, but when you throw out logic you get a nasty combination of lust and loneliness which equates to "love", so to speak, in non-algebraic form.

Here it is simplified in algebraic form:

2 -2 - 2 - 4
-(logic)^ = (lust)^ x (loneliness)^ = ("love")/(illogical thinking)^

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when you start playing with the numbers you end up in the red. Red flags or red ink, it's all a warning.

Back to the theory: I actually got a response that I should cut my hair back to shorter length because that looks good. No real mention of the beard so I can't really use this information as an attribute of an argument for or against the theory of deterrence.

Now the question isn't so much is my theory working or not, but do I want to continue with the experiment?

Which forms the hypotheses (that's plural, not a mispelling) of a potential new experiment which could be code named "Downfall" : should I attempt to befriend women yet? Can I without getting emotionally involved too easily and quickly? Is it worth the risk(s)? What are the risk(s)?

I think first I should develop a risk management analysis and then establish a chain of command worth of decsicions derived from a flow chart, in true beurecratic tradition.

I would do that because I'm geeky enough to do it. I won't do that because:

A) I'm too fuckin' lazy to calculate all the potential risk(s) and their consequenses
B) I don't want to program all the cause and effect into a schematic form with boxes and arrows.
C) I won't follow the advice anyway

Anyway, stay tuned, you know me, I'll probably have the analysis and the flow chart posted up here by 6AM. Contradictive. (Note to self, work on that.....)


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