Inferior Press

Just your run of the mill ranting and quirky observations. Nothing special or atypical here. (DISCLAIMER: My early posts (circa 2006) are not for the easily offended. I had a propensity to write contextually brash and use coarse vernacular associated with the disenfranchised and bitter (read: failed rock star). I plan to continue to write off collar posts here but I will attempt to amplify witticism by mitigating the reliance upon "shock value" gained from profanity.)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Chat Rooms, Cyber Sex and Back to the Future

Man. Isn't technology wonderful? We've come so far over the past 100 + years, think of all the marvels: the light bulb, telephone, cinema, audio in all its aberrations, airplanes, rockets, satelites, microwaves, bongs, and a million ways to blow the shit out of a foreign land with a push of a button and a turn of the key from a silo in North Dakota.....

The point is, and I mentioned this in a previous post: Where the fuck is all the technology? It's 2006 for cryin' out loud! We're in the new millenium. The...uh, decade after the 90's now! Where's all the cool shit they promised us in Back to the Future II? I want a bunch of assholes who can't drive worth a shit to be able to fly their cars too. I'm all for it, sitting in my back yard catching some sun and some 16 year old punk crashes in on my deck. No thanks, actually.

You know, I want virtual reality to rival reality. I was always trying to escape reality in my dreams or with booze and drugs, why not a pre-programmed "perfect" life with a "perfect" woman. When can I fuck my computer, damnit!?!

Instead I'm stuck in a pseudo-future which is now the present, getting in chat rooms with an endless army of bots to sort through before I find a real chick.

And even then you're not sure. In a world where you can lie on your resume, cheat on your taxes and even cheat death for a while, you can also be anyone you want to be.

What I mean by that is, when I'm pretending to be a muscle bound jock with a six pack for abs, "she" is either a very disgusting pig or a middle aged dude.

This shit would have never happened back in the 50's. One can only imagine what the 2050's will be like. All I know, is that if I live that long I'll be in my 70's and by then Social Security won't kick in until you're 102.

Fuck technology. I don't want to live to be 160. After I kick the kids out, who says I'm gonna wanna move back in with them when I'm an old man? Gemeny christmas, this madness has got to stop.


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