Inferior Press

Just your run of the mill ranting and quirky observations. Nothing special or atypical here. (DISCLAIMER: My early posts (circa 2006) are not for the easily offended. I had a propensity to write contextually brash and use coarse vernacular associated with the disenfranchised and bitter (read: failed rock star). I plan to continue to write off collar posts here but I will attempt to amplify witticism by mitigating the reliance upon "shock value" gained from profanity.)

Friday, August 31, 2007

Discourse amongst friends

I find it rather amusing that ten years ago, people looked at us--the punk rockers--as wasting our time and efforts. In some ways they were right but wrong in others. Punk taught us all something. Especially when it came full circle from where it started initially in the 70's to the corporate mainstream in the 90's revival.

There was much debate about "selling out" and "posing" and the like that could easily fill archives devoted to each with pages and pages of examples. Biographies coupled with discographies would make a multi volume set, but each alone and independent would also easily accomplish this.

So today, we have come full circle yet again. Us veteran punkers now look upon the youth like our predecessors did unto us and sigh. What is this world coming to? Sure, we can appreciate the need for individuality as much or more so than the next guy, but is it true individuality when it's practically a uniform? We fell into that trap too. So did those before: grunge, metal heads, (shudder: "ughh") disco, the hippies, and even the greasers.

It's nothing new. Somehow the youth eventually grow up and inherit the world. Our generation is getting closer and closer by the day which is a scary thought in itself, but look at the generation we're going to leave it to as heirs. God save the queen, she ain't no human being.


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