Inferior Press

Just your run of the mill ranting and quirky observations. Nothing special or atypical here. (DISCLAIMER: My early posts (circa 2006) are not for the easily offended. I had a propensity to write contextually brash and use coarse vernacular associated with the disenfranchised and bitter (read: failed rock star). I plan to continue to write off collar posts here but I will attempt to amplify witticism by mitigating the reliance upon "shock value" gained from profanity.)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Like a chamelon

So I've been told on too many occasions to count that I'm like a chamelon. It's kind of interesting to me because that means I could probably be very good at going undercover, since I could change my appearance at will very easily. For a while last summer, I changed my appearance every 3-5 days and would meet people at the bar 3 times. Which, in retrospect was good because when I first got out of the Army I had a lot of enemies from starting shit every weekend. (Eventually, I became a regular (read: everynight) and the ability wore off.)

However, it's been at least 8 months since I've surfaced my home town and I'm interested to see if anyone will even recognize me. The last time I was here I had short hair and was clean shaven.

I'll check it out.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Get Well Soon

I think I must be sick. I'm finally to point where I'm not trying to manipulate people as much as I used to. I'm actually thinking about other people's well being instead of how I can use their vulnerability as an advantage for myself.

I've been doing a lot of introspection lately and I've come up with a few possible reasons why:

1) I'm sober now, and I'm slowly gaining back my feelings and conscience.

2) My best thinking didn't get me very far, so why not re-evaluate

3) Maybe this is my new act.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Ok, I'm on a new kick lately. Since I got the internet back, I've been sitting in front of my computer for pretty much the past 15 hours, prying myself away around 2 am to sleep, and up again by 10 am. I did pry away long enough to eat and take a shit and once in awhile refill my coffee mug.

I've been taking a lot of personality tests and have been pleasantly surprised by some results, not surprised by others (ie: "Are you a slacker?") and completely pissed when it came to my I.Q. test.

I scored a 115% which is slightly above average intellegence but not high enough for my rigid and unrealistic standards for myself. I know it's because of the math questions. An honest assessment would reveal that I only have a first semester 6th grade level of math skills.

Something I gotta brush up on. This time next year...look out!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Deterence Theory Elevated


That's all I can say about the last two weeks of madness. I tried to post from work since my Internet access was temporarilly out of commission while I moved, and with cookies disabled, the slow ass connection and the mainframe being behind lock and key, it proved futile.

I did try to break into the control room through both social engineering and brute force but that just raised a few eyebrows and worked to no avail.

I am officially rasing the "Deterrence Theory" to "Law of Deterrence". I haven't gotten any "winks" in weeks, and the one female I did meet hasn't called me back since then.

Also this is my new rating at Hot or not:

Fuck being a modern man or metro-sexual. I want to be a cave man. And after being cooped up the last two days at work with all those women and hearing too many "female issue" topics, I need to go eat a raw steak and lift some weights to get my testosterone level back up to normal.